Is John Lewis the best company i n Britain to work for?by Jon HenleyIt Übersetzung - Is John Lewis the best company i n Britain to work for?by Jon HenleyIt Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Is John Lewis the best company i n

Is John Lewis the best company i n Britain to work for?
by Jon Henley
It is owned by its employees - or partners 20
- who have a say in how it is run and
receive a share of the projlts. Surelv
this is the way every organis{//ion
by someone who really knows what
they ' re t a l k i n g about a n d , most
unusually of all. is eager to help.
U n l ike other high-street names,
5 should be ntn? John Lewis is owned by its employees.
lt's just before opening t i me on
bonus day at John Lewis and. boy. arc
we excited. Up and down the country,
the 69 ,000 people who work for the
10 nation's favourite retailer arc gathered,
impat ien t . A specially chosen staff
member opens an envelope and reads
out a number. Fifteen per cent. It's the
percentage of their salary that each
IS John Lewis employee takes home as
that year's bonus.
25 each of whom has a say in its running
and a share i n its profits. This is
Britain's largest example of worker
co-owners h i p . Its purpose is ''the
happiness of all its members. through
30 t h e i r wort h w h i l e and s a t i s fy i ng
employment in a successful business''.
''11 's a good company to work for."
says Pedro. a Waitrose* chef. "I didn't o
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
John Lewis Is the best company i n Britain to work for?by Jon HenleyIt is owned by its employees - or 20 partners-who have a say in how it is run andreceive a share of the projlts. SurelvThis is the way every {//ion organisby someone who really knows whatthey're t a l k i n g about a n d, mostunusually of all. is eager to help.U n l ike other high-street names,5 should be ntn? John Lewis is owned by its's just before opening t i me onbonus day at John Lewis and. boy. ARCWe are excited. Up and down the country,the 69, 000 people who work for the10 nation's favourite retailer arc gathered,impat ien t. To specially chosen staffMember opens an envelope and readsout a number. Fifteen per cent. It's thepercentage of their salary that eachIS John Lewis employee takes home asthat year's bonus.25 each of whom has a say in its runningand to share i n its profits. This isBritain's largest example of workerh i p co-owners. Its purpose is "thehappiness of all its members. through30 t h e i r wort h w h i l e y s a t i s fy i ngemployment in a successful business ".""11's a good company to work for."Pedro says. to Waitrose * chef. "I didn't or"
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
? John Lewis is the best company to work for in Britain
by Jon Henley
It is owned by ITS employees - or 20 partners
- who Have a say in how it is run and
Receive a share of the projlts. Surelv
this is the way every organisms {// ion
by Someone who really knows what
THEY'RE Talking about and, Most
unusually of all. is eager to help.
U nl ike other high-street names,
Should be five NTN? John Lewis is owned by ITS employees.
lt's just me you before opening on
bonus day at John Lewis and. boy. arc
we excited. Up and down the country,
the 69, 000 People Who Work for the
10 nation's favorite retailer Gathered arc,
IMPAT ien t. A specially Chosen staff
member opens an envelope and reads
out a number. Fifteen per cent. It's the
percentage of Their salary That each
employee IS John Lewis Takes home as
That year's bonus.
25 each of Whom have a say in running STI
STI and a share in profits. This is
Britain's largest example of worker
co-owners hip. Its purpose is '' the
happiness of all its members. Through
Their wort 30 hwhile and satis fy i ng
employment in a successful business. ''
''11' sa good company to work for. "
says Pedro. Waitrose * chef. "I did not or
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
Is John Lewis de beste bedrijven in het Verenigd Koninkrijk werken?John HenryHet is door de werknemer of de partners 20- er is een zeggen, hoe het werkt enEen van de projlts.SurelvDit is elk organisme (/)Wie weet wat er echtZe is niet één van mijn mensen, ik was een van de meest hebben.Ongewoon.Graag helpen.E n en andere hoge Street naam.5 moeten NTN?John Lewis is door de participatie van werknemers.Als ik voor het openenJohn Lewis bonussen in een dag.De jongen.-We zijn opgewonden.In het hele land,Als de mensen het werk van 69000Tien landen favoriete detailhandelaren bijeen,Invloed van ien t.Een speciale selectie van personeel- open de envelop lezenDat is een nummer.15 dollar.Dit isElk een percentage van het salarisJohn Lewis werknemers mee naar huis.Dat jaar bonus.Iedereen heeft het recht om te spreken van 25En mijn aandeel in de winst.Dit isHet voorbeeld van de grootste Britse werknemersDe mede - eigenaar.Het doel is "Alle leden van geluk.Door deT - H - e - r - I - 30 H w H I L E S T - ik - ik ngHet succes van een onderneming van de werkgelegenheid."Is een goed bedrijf."Dat is Pedro.Waitrose * meester. "Ik heb
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